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Pyrford C of E Primary School
Pyrford C of E Primary School


C of E Primary School

Staff List

Senior Leadership Team

Name Job Title
Gavin Dutton Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sandra McAllister School Business Manager
Emma Brockway Phase Leader - Lower KS2
Sophie Murray Phase Leader - EYFS
Chantelle Porter Phase Leader - Lower KS1
Elaine Wilson Phase Leader - Upper KS2

Teaching Staff

Class Name Responsibilities
N Squirrels Hannah Hope EAL
R Beech Sophie Murray Head of Early Years / Phonics
R Hazel Mel Freeman Religious Education
1 Oak Mili Daly Maths
1 Pine Sarah Adams Community Engagement
2 Cedar Jade Goree & Carolyn Shardlow English
2 Hawthorn Chantelle Porter Head of KS1
3 Elm Emma Booker Computing
3 Maple Emma Brockway Head of Lower KS2 
4 Alder Mary Gill & Lizzie Wright History & Geography / PSHE
4 Larch Susie Steen PE
5 Cherry Megan Dennis Music
5 Rowan Elaine Wilson Head of Upper KS2
5 Willow Josie Woodhams Science
6 Holly Angie Bull Art & Design Technology
6 Laurel Marlena Gilbey Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish)
  Sarah Bourne

Inclusion Team & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  Louise Harburn Teacher
  Sharon Humphries Teacher
  Gemma Newman

SENCO & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  Louise Vymetal

Inclusion Team & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  Shafaq Bashir SCITT

Support Staff

Sarah Alexander Amnah Ali Rani Andeleeb
Karen Austwick Samantha Barnett Zoe Beal
Louisa Bell Tracey Cottrell Caitlin Grenander (Treetops)
Nafeesa Haja Mohideen Caroline Harverson Alison Highton
Jackie Hill Sara Hodges Ingrid Hudson
Hamida Hussain (Midday Supervisor) Zobia Karim Olivia Krynicki (Treetops)
Anne Leahy (Home School Link Worker & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) Suzanne Lees-Smith Emily Lock (Treetops)
Alice Maina (HLTA) Ann Martin (HLTA) Mandy Phelan
Sasha Phillips (HLTA) Bethany Pitwell Julie Priestley
Kerry Pugh Kate Purton Julie Rashbrook
Penny Robinson Bonny Rochford Danielle Russell
Amanda Steel Kierath Taplin (Treetops) Hannah Taylor (Treetops)
Vicky Taylor Hughie Wade (Treetops) Sian Westen
Shirley Wilson Cecylia Xenou Mehwish Zahid

Administrative Staff

Parents and other members of the public should contact

Name Job Title
Sandra Alexander School Administrator & Attendance Officer (Lunches)
Cath Anderson PA to the Headteacher & Admissions Officer
Steve Woodings Premises Officer
Tina Williams Finance Officer (Trips / Bookings)