Our Golden Book Winners
Congratulations to our Golden Book winners
N SQUIRRELS - Alayna Ahmed & Aria Westwood. Alayna and Aria are often found painting and drawing at our creative table. The girls had great fun exploring what happens when you mix the colour of the paint blocks.
R BEECH - Maxwell Emerton & Teddy Mackenzie. Both boys have worked super hard on their reading this year and love books. Mrs Murray is super impressed with the progress Maxwell has made with his phonics this term. Teddy is always in the book corner and his love of reading is infectious, encouraging other children to enjoy the stories with him.
R HAZEL - Clara Berrange for working incredibly hard on her speech this year. She has shown real resilience and now speaks with confidence and clarity. Well done Clara! Thomas Lane. Thomas loves to be outside and always chooses the bikes. He can now ride all by himself and loves it when other children join him. Well done Thomas!
1 OAK - Eyon Sijo & Ali Zafar for being such kind and respectful members of Oak class and always looking out for others.
1 PINE - The whole of Pine class for being superstars at Sports Day and for just being fabulous!
2 CEDAR - Sylvia Webb. In English, Year 2 have been performing a poem called The Sound Collector. We went on a sound walk around the school and wrote our own poems using the sounds we heard. Sylvia listened and thought carefully about how to describe each sound and produced a fantastic poem. Well done Sylvia!
2 HAWTHORN - Emaan Khan. In English, we have been performing The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We then wrote our own poems about the sounds around our school. Emaan impressed Mrs Porter with her fantastic poem and set it out neatly. Well done Emaan!
3 ELM - Hadi Ahmed. We have been learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables throughout Year 3. Hadi has done a brilliant job in learning his number facts and recalling them quickly and accurately. Wonderful work Hadi!
3 MAPLE - Becky Igboebisi. Year 3 have been learning about Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. Becky really thought about how he would have felt and included lovely detail describing each room. Becky has worked hard and made such great progress with her writing this year. Keep up the excellent work!
4 ALDER - Lincoln Evans for working so hard. He puts amazing amounts of effort into his writing especially. Lincoln should be so proud of himself!
4 BIRCH - Caitlin Hunter & Mia Sinclair. In Science, we have been learning about food chains and what happens if a problem occurs. Caitlin and Mia worked brilliantly as a team to create their own food chain and added description to explain the process. They are both very passionate about animals and our environment, so it was a joy to have them share their wisdom with us all. Well done!
4 LARCH - Elif Altun for settling so well into Larch class. You are trying to make friends and to learn English all at the same time which must be very hard. We love having you as part of the class.
5 ROWAN - Matthew Hills, Henry Sutherland & Munis Zahid for being budding mathematicians. They work super hard in Maths, always keen to share their ideas during the input and striving to get to the challenges. It has been great to see their enthusiasm for this subject. Well done boys. Keep up the good work!
5 WILLOW - Liam Makuyana & Evan Sijo. Liam and Evan joined Willow Class earlier this year and have settled in beautifully. They have really embraced the school values and try so hard in all their lessons. Mrs Woodhams is especially proud of the resilience they have shown as moving schools is never easy. They have made lots of new friends and are a wonderful addition to our school!
6 HOLLY & LAUREL - for all being absolutely amazing on the PGL residential last week, and also all the children remaining at school. The PGL instructors were so impressed with their behaviour and manners - they said it was a pleasure to have them attend the activities. Mrs Bull and Mrs Gilbey are so proud of all of them!