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Pyrford C of E Primary School
Pyrford C of E Primary School


C of E Primary School

Our Golden Book Winners


Congratulations to our Golden Book winners

N SQUIRRELS - Penny Dyer & William Hagell Our story this week is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Penny and William did an amazing job of retelling the story using the props. Well done!

R BEECH - Cameron Maskell for trying really hard with his writing this week, listening for the sounds in the words and trying to form them correctly. Well done Cameron!

R HAZEL -  Lily Charlton for doing a lovely sequencing job of the story of The Three Little Pigs. She also wrote some parts of the story and was so proud of her work!

1 OAK -  Olivia Harburn In English we have been learning to use S Plans to retell a story. We have been using our Power of Reading text The Queen’s Hat to do this. Olivia did a fantastic job to explain where the hat went. She used interesting verbs and adjectives to add description to her writing. Olivia always listens well and it is clear that she has tried very hard. Well done Olivia!

1 PINE - Niamh Patel for a fabulous London skyline picture.

2 CEDAR - Benny Coventry He rewrote a character description of Rabbit in our English lesson. He worked hard on his handwriting and remembered to include lots of effective adjectives. Well done Benny!

2 HAWTHORN - Wilbur Foote for always working incredibly hard in all our Maths lessons. We have been learning about 3D shape this week. Wilbur can name and describe the properties of many 3D shapes and has completed several challenges. Well done!

3 ELM - Jake Clarke When Life Space came to visit us, we learned how to keep our minds and bodies healthy. Jake made exceptional contributions to the session, showing detailed knowledge and asking interesting questions. Well done Jake!

3 MAPLE - Elliott Lawes for 2 reasons. Firstly because of the excellent effort he is putting into his handwriting this term. The second reason is for his amazing scientific knowledge. His brain is full of interesting facts which he enjoys sharing with the class. Well done Elliott!

4 ALDER - Indigo Cobbett & Mariah Hassan During English, Indigo and Mariah worked incredibly hard as a team. They created excellent sentences with subordinating clauses and conjunctions about the robot in our story. Girls, you should be very proud of yourselves for working so hard and being very creative!

4 LARCH -  Ottilie Trainer-Clark for the amazing efforts in her writing. Ottilie has clearly been inspired by our new text Wild Robot and produced some wonderful work. Mrs Steen was particularly impressed by her very persuasive letter to Roz the robot!

5 CHERRY -  Oliver Lawry In Computing we are continuing our learning on Crumble (not the food!) and will soon be designing, building and programming our own robots. Ollie has a real flair for Computing and can share his deep understanding with his peers, helping them to debug their programs and add additional components. Great work Ollie!

5 ROWAN - Florence Gwyther for her fantastic work in English. She tried really hard with the rewrite of a letter of advice to Bradley, a character from our text There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. Florence followed the S Plan carefully and clearly put her points across in each paragraph. She used a good selection of modal verbs and used adverbials to help sequence her writing. Excellent work, keep it up!

5 WILLOW - Horia Musca for his brilliant listening and participation during our music lesson. He was able to successfully work with his partner to play the new chords we have been learning on the glockenspiel whilst keeping in time with the beat.

6 HOLLY - Joshua Snowden-Reeve We are studying the Ancient Greeks and Holly Class have loved researching about the gods and goddesses. Joshua’s poster about Poseidon really stood out. The decoration and colour choice impressed Mrs Bull and the information he found about this Greek god was very interesting. Well done Joshua. Great work!

6 LAUREL - Theo Calafatis for his fantastic work in English. Theo worked hard re-telling the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops and also working on his poster. Theo continually works hard in lessons and puts 101% into everything he does. Keep up the great work Theo!