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Pyrford C of E Primary School
Pyrford C of E Primary School


C of E Primary School

Our Golden Book Winners


Congratulations to our Golden Book winners

N SQUIRRELS - Aula-Zainab Awan, Edith Gray & Olivia Sach. In nursery, the creative table is always very busy. The children love to draw, paint, glue and create models using the different materials. Aula, Edith and Olivia are often found there and produce amazing pictures.

R BEECH - Zack Ellen Russell for a great attitude to his work. He is now so keen to write and does so every day. He is making good progress and is starting to write with more confidence. Well done Zack!

R HAZEL - Zoe Hagell for doing some great work this week. She takes care when forming her letter and thinks carefully about what she wants to write. Well done Zoe!

1 OAK - Otis Don Carolis & Wilbur Foote for their wonderful work about Neil Armstrong. They have both been really interested in our history topic and remembered lots of facts.

1 PINE - The whole of Pine Class for working so hard on their special phonics job this week. Miss Adams is super proud!

2 CEDAR - Jake Clarke. Year 2 have been looking at how to write an explanation text. Jake astounded us with his text about how to look after a fox. He worked hard on his handwriting and remembered almost all of the information learnt. Well done Jake!

2 HAWTHORN - Luca Cheney-Hackman for working particularly hard in our Maths lessons. He is really enjoying our measurement unit and worked well with his partner to compare the mass of different objects around the classroom. Well done Luca!

3 ELM  - Kayleigh Austin. In Science we have been learning about the nutrients different animals need to be healthy. Kayleigh chose a selection of animals and matched them to their diet, as well as placing them in the correct group of carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Great work Kayleigh!

3 MAPLE - Waaris Aslam for his excellent writing. He has such great imagination and includes details which bring his writing alive. It is always a pleasure to read his writing and find out the interesting ideas he has included.

4 ALDER - Noah Edgley. Noah could have been in the Golden Book many times recently as he is working incredibly hard. He puts so much effort in and produces lots of work of which he should be really proud. Keep it up Noah, you are brilliant!

4 BIRCH - Harry Doig for his fantastic moving dragon which he made in DT. He took his time to add careful details to his dragon such as piercing yellow eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Harry should be very impressed with his work - well done!

4 LARCH - Florence Gwyther & Henry Pocock for their wonderful moving dragons. They look amazing and they both worked so hard when designing them. They should feel very happy with their finished products.

5 ROWAN - Iyla Akram for her work in English. We have been reading about the Suffragettes and the Suffragists and their fight for equality. Iyla showed a real interest in this topic and tried really hard to produce some fantastic work. Well done!

5 WILLOW - Ben Osborne-Jones for his outstanding effort and improvement in his handwriting. We are so impressed with the care he has taken to make sure that all the letters are sitting on the line, are formed correctly and are a consistent size. Keep up the good work Ben!

6 HOLLY - Fleur Cobbett. In English we are reading Rooftoppers and writing character descriptions. We are so impressed with Fleur’s work this week - her Character Study, listing both Charles and Sophie, was a page long and she used the Role on the Wall to think more deeply about the character Sophie to use in her story writing. Brilliant work Fleur - well done!

6 LAUREL - Suvan Khadka for his work in English. We are enjoying reading our new book Rooftoppers and the children were asked to write a character description for one of the main characters - Sophie. Well done Suvan, keep up the great writing!